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Interactive medical acupuncture anatomy
Interactive medical acupuncture anatomy
1° ed., 1192 pagg., 1051 ill., TETON NEWMEDIA, novembre 2016
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€ 280
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€ 238
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This presentation uses anatomically precise, computer-generated reconstructed images of the human body for three-dimensional presentation of acupuncture points and channels. The CD component is fully interactive and allows the user to see through tissue layers, remove tissue layers, and rotate structures so that specific acupuncture points can be visualized in relation to their surrounding nerves, organs, and vessels. The accompanying book provides full color anatomic drawings and detailed information regarding the physiologic basis for acupuncture, which will be useful in conjunction with the CD.
  • Allows the acupuncture practitioner to produce safe and reliable results for the patient
  • Provides clear and realistic images of the structures that lie beneath the skin at the location of the acupuncture points
  • Supplies an excellent client education tool for those patients that require accurate explanation of the acupuncture procedure being performed

Introduction to Interactive Medical Acupuncture Anatomy.
Yin and Yang and Moving Forward. The Workings of Acupuncture. Practicing Safe Acupuncture. Introduction to the Point Tables.
Acupuncture Points and Channels in a Regional Format.
Lung Channel. Large Intestine Channel. Stomach Channel. Spleen Channel. Heart Channel. Small Intestine Channel. Bladder Channel. Kidney Channel. Pericardium Channel. Triple Heater Channel. Gallbladder Channel. Liver Channel.
Location of Extra Points in Common Use.
Introduction to the Eight "Singular Vessels," "Extraordinary Vessels," or "Curious Meridians." Conception Vessel Channel. Governor Vessel Channel.

Narda G. Robinison,DO, DVM, MS, FAAMA
Narda G. Robinson is the country’s leading authority on scientific complementary and alternative veterinary medicine (CAVM). With more than two decades of practicing, teaching and writing about holistic approaches in both veterinary and human osteopathic medicine, Dr. Robinson delivers straight talk on CAVM to help healthcare professionals and owners sort fact from fiction.A scholar, researcher and widely read author on evidence-based approaches to CAVM, Dr. Robinson holds the only professorship at a veterinary college designed specifically to investigate the legitimacy of CAVM. In 1988, she launched Colorado State University’s first integrative medicine service, and she now heads the Colorado State University Center for Comparative and Integrative Pain Medicine. Dr. Robinson holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard/Radcliffe, a doctorate in osteopathic medicine (DO) from the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, and both a doctorate in veterinary medicine (DVM) and master’s degree in biomedical sciences (MS) from CSU.She has also earned the highest membership status of fellow within the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (FAAMA) and serves on the American Board of Medical Acupuncture (DABMA).

Codice Articolo: AGOPU10
ISBN: 9781591610205
Peso: 3300 g
Area: Tutte le specie
Disciplina: Varie
IVA: Esente IVA