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Veterinary acupuncture
Veterinary acupuncture
2° ed., 628 pagg., 109 ill., Mosby, giugno 2000
Prezzo di copertina
€ 133
IVA compresa
Il nostro prezzo
€ 113
IVA compresa

This revision reflects major updating, expansion of hot topics, and coverage of trends, current areas of research interest, and controversies in veterinary acupuncture. The book begins with the history and concepts of acupuncture and continues with the anatomic and neurophysiologic basis of acupuncture, research on acupuncture, practical techniques, instrumentation, and point selection. Part two covers acupuncture in small animals, including a canine atlas, avian acupuncture, and chapters that focus on disorders grouped by body systems. Part three is devoted to acupuncture in large animals. It begins with three different equine atlases, followed by equine acupuncture treatment according to body system, and concludes with acupuncture in cattle and a porcine acupuncture atlas. Part four covers failures in veterinary acupuncture and veterinary manipulative therapies.

Schoen: Veterinary Acupuncture, 2~ Edition
Part One Fundamentals of Veterinary Acupuncture
1 History and concepts of veterinary acupuncture
2 Anatomy and classification of acupoints
3 Neurophysiologic basis of acupuncture
4 Research in veterinary acupuncture
5 Global acupuncture research: previously untranslated studies
6 Oriental concepts of acupuncture
7 Techniques and instrumentation
8 Acupuncture point selection

Part Two Acupuncture in Small Animals
9 Canine acupuncture atlas
10 Traditional Chinese medical diagnosis in small animals
11 Acupuncture for musculoskeletal disorders
12 Acupuncture for longitudinal muscle system approach to canine lameness
13 Acupuncture for neurologic disorders
14 Acupuncture for thoracolumbar and cervical disk disease
15 Trigger point therapy
16 Acupuncture for critical care
17 Acupuncture for cardiovascular disorders
18 Traditional Chinese medical treatment for heart disease
19 Acupuncture for chronic respiratory conditions
20 Acupuncture for gastrointestinal disorders
21 Acupuncture for reproductive disorders
22 Acupuncture for immunologic disorders
23 Acupuncture for dermatologic disorders
24 Acupuncture for surgical analgesia and postop analgesia with acupuncture
25 Gold bead implants
26 Acupuncture for the Avian Patient
27 Ear acupuncture
28 Incorporation of acupuncture into a small animal practice

Part Three Acupuncture in Large Animals
29 The location of equine back shu pointsL transpositional Chinese vs. traditional
30 Traditional equine acupuncture atlas
31 Transpositional equine acupuncture atlas, including cross reference of equine acupuncture points
32 Diagnostic acupuncture in horses
33 Acupuncture treatment for musculoskeletal and neurologic condition in horses
34 Acupuncture for treatment of chronic back pain in horses
35 Treatment of equine gastrointestinal disease with acupuncture
36 Acupuncture treatment for miscellaneous conditions in horses
37 Equine ting-zone therapy
38 Equine traditional Chinese medical diagnosis
39 Whole-horse approach to acupuncture in performance horses
40 Equine biomechanics in acupuncture
41 Acupuncture in cattle
42 Porcine acupuncture

Part Four Additional Topics
43 Failures in veterinary acupuncture
44 Veterinary manipulative therapies

Allen M. Schoen, DVM, MS

Codice Articolo: AGOPU6
ISBN: 9780323009454
Peso: 1530 g
Area: Tutte le specie
Disciplina: Varie
IVA: Esente IVA