BSAVA Manual of canine and feline reproduction and neonatology
BSAVA Manual of canine and feline reproduction and neonatology
2nd ed., 230 pages, 50 ill., BSAVA Publications, December 2010
Cover price
€ 101.70
VAT included
Our price
€ 85
VAT included

Following the success of the first edition, this Manual has been completely updated and reorganized to be even more practical and user-friendly. It follows reproductive medicine from mating, through conception and birth, looking at problems such as infertility and dystocia along the way. Care of the neonate plus conditions that may affect new puppies and kittens are also included. New developments in drugs and in biotechnology are discussed. Full colour photographs and illustrations support the text, which has been prepared by international contributors. 

Physiology and endocrinology of the female
Physiology and endocrinology of the male
Prevention of breeding in the female
Prevention of breeding in the male
Determining breeding status
Clinical approach to the infertile bitch
Clinical approach to the infertile queen
Clinical approach to the infertile male
Artificial insemination in dogs
Pregnancy diagnosis, normal pregnancy and parturition in the bitch
Pregnancy diagnosis, normal pregnancy and parturition in the queen
Clinical approach to unwanted mating and pregnancy termination;
Clinical approach to abnormal parturition
Problems during and after parturition
Care of the neonate
Clinical approach to neonatal conditions
Clinical approach to mammary gland disease
Clinical approach to conditions of the non-pregnant and neutered bitch
Clinical approach to conditions of the non-pregnant and neutered queen
Clinical approach to conditions of the male
Clinical relevance of biotechnological advances

Gary C.W.England, BVetMed PhD DVetMed CertVA DVR DipVRep DipACT DipECAR FHEA FRCVS
School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE12 5RD
Angelika von Heimendahl, MSc BVM DipECAR MRCVS
Veterinary Reproduction Service Surgery, 27 High Street, Longstanton, Cambridge CB24 3BP

Item Code: NEONA10
ISBN: 9781905319190
Weigth: 800 g
Species: Dog/Cat
Discipline: Obstetrics/Gynaecology
VAT: VAT Exempt