Atlas of avian necropsy - Macroscopic Diagnosis - Sampling
Atlas of avian necropsy - Macroscopic Diagnosis - Sampling
1st/ed., 82 pages, 200 ill., SERVET, January 2012
Cover price
€ 55
VAT included
Our price
€ 47
VAT included

This atlas details a systematic approach to the post-mortem examination of farmed poultry. The first chapter, describing the organs from the skin to the nervous system, presents a simple post-mortem technique, which explains how to examine each organ and body system, and illustrates what they look like when healthy. The second chapter describes the avian diseases that are usually encountered at the slaughterhouse with numerous images. Finally, the third chapter outlines a methodical approach for sampling during the post-mortem examination for subsequent diagnostic analysis. With over 200 images, this book will ensure that the necropsy of poultry will provide the maximum diagnostic yield.

Necropsy technique in poultry
Macroscopic evaluation of the organs
Sampling and other general considerations

Natàlia Majó is a Professor at the Teaching Unit of Histology and Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona with a degree from the European College of Veterinary Pathology (ECVP), and develops her research at the Research Centre in Animal Health (CReSA). She has Master's degrees and doctorates in veterinary medicine from the Univeristat Autonoma de Barcelona
Roser Dolz Pascual, She has Master's degrees and doctorates in veterinary medicine from the Univeristat Autonoma de Barcelona

Item Code: ANESO250
ISBN: 9788492569847
Weigth: 900 g
Species: Exotic animals
Discipline: Anatomy
VAT: VAT Exempt