Atlas of normal radiographic anatomy and anatomic variants in the dog and cat
Atlas of normal radiographic anatomy and anatomic variants in the dog and cat
3rd ed., 303 pages, 1200 ill., Elsevier, January 2023
Cover price
€ 180.99
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Our price
€ 154
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Make accurate diagnoses and achieve successful treatment outcomes with this highly visual, comprehensive atlas! Featuring a substantial number of new high-contrast images, Atlas of Normal Radiographic Anatomy and Anatomic Variants in the Dog and Cat, 3rd Edition, provides an in-depth look at both normal and non-standard subjects, along with demonstrations of proper technique and image interpretations. Expert authors Donald E. Thrall and Ian D. Robertson describe a wider range of "normal" as compared to other books — not only showing standard dogs and cats, but also non-standard subjects such as overweight and underweight pets and animals with breed-specific variations. Each body part is put into context with a description that helps explain why a structure appears as it does in radiographs, enabling you to appreciate variations of normal based on an understanding of basic radiographic principles.
Key Features
  • UPDATED! Brief descriptive text and explanatory legends accompany all images to help put concepts into the proper context.
  • High-quality digital images provide excellent contrast resolution and better visibility of normal structures to facilitate making accurate diagnoses.
  • In-depth coverage of patient positioning and radiographic exposure guidelines assists in producing the very best results.

    List of Tables
    List of Illustrations
1.  Basic imaging principles and physeal closure time
    How to use this atlas
    What is normal?
    Why are computed tomography and magnetic resonance images included in this atlas?
    Why are images from radiographic contrast procedures included in this atlas?
    Radiographic terminology
    Viewing images
    Standard projections
    Oblique projections
    Physeal closure
    Skeletal maturation data compiled from the following sources
2.  The skull
    Nasal cavity and sinuses
    Temporomandibular joints and tympanic bullae
    The mandibles and larynx
3.  The spine
    Cervical spine
    Thoracic spine
    Lumbar spine
    Sacral spine
    Caudal spine
4.  The thoracic limb
    The scapula and brachium
    The elbow joint
    Metacarpus and phalanges
5.  The pelvic limb
    Femur and stifle
    Tibia and fibula
6.  The thorax
    Left lateral view
    Right lateral view
    Dorsoventral view
    Ventrodorsal view
    Thoracic wall
    Trachea and bronchi
7.  The abdomen
    Kidneys and ureters
    Deep circumflex iliac vessels
    Urinary bladder
    Prostate gland
    Small intestine
    Large intestine
Color Plates

Donald Thrall
Dr. Thrall graduated from the Purdue University Veterinary School in 1969 and completed Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees at Colorado State University in 1971 and 1974, respectively. He held faculty positions at the University of Georgia and the University of Pennsylvania before spending 30 years on the faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine of North Carolina State University. Following nearly two-years on the faculty of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, he returned to North Carolina State University where he holds a part time faculty appointment as Clinical Professor. Dr. Thrall is board certified by the American College of Veterinary Radiology in both diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology. Dr. Thrall's primary imaging interests are CT and MRI, particularly relating to tumor morphology and tumor physiology
Ian Robertson
Emeritus Clinical Professor
Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicina
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
Dragonfly Imaging PLLC
Cary, North Carolina

Item Code: DIAIM141
ISBN: 9780323796156
Weigth: 1100 g
Species: Dog/Cat
Discipline: Diagnostic imaging
VAT: VAT Exempt