Preface vii
Acknowledgments ix
List of Reviewers xi
List of Abbreviations xiii
1 Platypus and Echidnas 1
2 Marsupials 5
3 Xenarthra: Anteaters, Armadillos, and Sloths 31
4 Pangolins 47
5 Aardvarks 53
6 Bats 59
7 Rodents 69
8 Primates 81
9 Nondomestic Canids 119
10 Bears 131
11 Small Omnivores and Carnivores: Red Pandas, Fossa, Skunks, Meerkats, Mustelids, Procyonids, and Viverrids 145
12 Hyenas 165
13 Nondomestic Felids 169
14 Whales and Dolphins 195
15 Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses 211
16 Manatees and Dugongs 237
17 Elephants 243
18 Hyraxes 259
19 Nondomestic Equids 263
20 Tapirs 273
21 Rhinoceroses 279
22 Nondomestic Pigs 293
23 Hippopotamuses 305
24 Camelids: Alpacas, Camels, Guanacos, and Llamas 311
25 Giraffes and Okapis 331
26 Deer 349
27 Nondomestic Cattle and Antelope 365
28 Nondomestic Goats and Sheep 405
Index 417