Electrocardiography of laboratory animals
Electrocardiography of laboratory animals
2nd ed., 110 pages, 100 ill., Academic Press, November 2018
Cover price
€ 265
VAT included
Our price
€ 225
VAT included

Electrocardiography of Laboratory Animals, Second Edition, is the only publication covering electrocardiography of laboratory animals. With countries instituting requirements for the care of laboratory animals in research, this publication offers a standard on performing and analyzing ECGs. Topics covered include safety electrocardiography, toxicology, safety pharmacology, and telemetry, all important areas of discussion for biological and medical researchers, veterinarians, zoologists, and students who need to understand the electrocardiography of five species of animals used in research: canines, nonhuman primates, mini pigs, rodents (rats and mice), rabbits and cats.
Key Features
  • Offers guidance in interpretation of laboratory animal ECGs by animal type
  • Provides comparisons of ECGs across animal species
  • Includes coverage of three animal species: canines, nonhuman primates and mini pigs, also including three additional species: rodents (rats and mice), rabbits and cats
  • Supports adherence to FDA requirements of ECG performance and qualitative analysis on large laboratory animals

1. Electrocardiography in preclinical safety
2. Fundamental principles of electrocardiography
3. Electrocardiography of rodents
4. Electrocardiography of rabbits
5. Electrocardiography of cats
6. Electrocardiography of dogs
7. Handling and restraint of non-human primates
8. Electrocardiography of non-human primates
9. Electrocardiography of neonates/juveniles
10. Electrocardiography of minipigs
11. Telemetry in preclinical safety studies
12. PR (PQ), QRS, QT and other issues

Jeffrey Richig
Jeffrey W. Richig, DVM is CEO of ECGVET, LLC and Special Government Employee consultant to the FDA for the cardiovascular and renal drugs division. He has over twenty-five years of experience in electrocardiography for pre-clinical safety evaluation studies and is known as a leading expert in the field.
Affiliations and Expertise
CEO of ECGVET, LLC and Special Government Employee consultant to the FDA's cardiovascular and renal drugs division, USA
Meg Sleeper
Meg Sleeper, VMD, is a Clinical Professor of Cardiology in the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, USA
Affiliations and Expertise
Clinical Professor, Cardiology, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL, USA

Item Code: CARDI57
ISBN: 9780128094693
Weigth: 600 g
Species: All species
Discipline: Cardiology
VAT: VAT Exempt