Oftalmologia del gatto
Oftalmologia del gatto
1st ed., 240 pages, 600 ill., Edra-EV, May 2018
Cover price
€ 19
VAT included
Our price
€ 18
VAT included

Questo volume fornisce al veterinario pratico gli strumenti per diagnosticare e curare le comuni malattie oculari del gatto. È corredato da un amplissimo repertorio di immagini cliniche di ottima qualità. I primi tre capitoli riguardano le metodiche necessarie per condurre un esame completo dell’occhio del gatto; i principi e le tecniche dell’anestesia e della chirurgia oftalmica; i farmaci usati per il trattamento delle malattie oculari. I successivi nove capitoli sono dedicati all’anatomia, alla patofisiologia e alla terapia dei disordini che interessano le diverse strutture oculari procedendo in senso antero-posteriore. Finalmente, i medici veterinari hanno a disposizione un testo in cui le malattie congenite, ereditarie, infettive e infiammatorie dell’occhio del gatto sono trattate in modo specifico, in linea con l’esigenza professionale di acquisire una formazione sempre più accurata in medicina felina.

  1. Visita Oculistica
  2. Anestesia e chirurgia
  3. Terpaia oftalmologica
  4. Orbita e globo
  5. Palpebre, terza palpebra e apparto lacrimale
  6. Congiuntiva
  7. Cornea
  8. Tratto uveale
  9. Glaucoma
  10. Lente
  11. Vitreo e fondo dell'occhio
  12. Neuroftalmologia
Indice analitico

James graduated from the University of Bristol in 2002 and, after five years in general practice, undertook a residency in veterinary ophthalmology at Davies Veterinary Specialists, Hertfordshire, UK. Now a European and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology, James serves on the scientific committee of the British Association of Veterinary Ophthalmologists and is Co-chair of the Education & Residency Committee of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists. James has published widely in the peer-reviewed literature and performs editorial and review work for several veterinary journals. He currently works as Senior Ophthalmologist at the Animal Health Trust, where he divides his time between clinical practice, teaching and genetics research.
Natasha graduated from the University College Dublin in 1998. She worked for several years in general practice in the UK and Australia and obtained the RCVS Certificate in Veterinary Ophthalmology. She then undertook an alternative residency at the Eye Vet Clinic in Herefordshire and obtained the RCVS Diploma in Veterinary Ophthalmology. Natasha is a Veterinary Council of Ireland Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology. She is joint secretary of the British Association of Veterinary Ophthalmologists. She runs her own referral ophthalmology service, Eye Vet, in Limerick, Ireland, with a varied small animal and equine caseload.

Item Code: OFTAL75
ISBN: 9788821449062
Weigth: 1400 g
Species: Dog/Cat
Discipline: Ophthalmology
VAT: VAT Exempt