Contributors vii
Preface ix
About the Companion Website xi
1 Veterinary Management 1
Sandra Bertholf
1.1 Procedures and Policies 1
Veterinary Management Skills Number 1–14
1.2 Communication Skills 3
Veterinary Management Skills Number 15–21
1.3 Ethics and Jurisprudence 3
Veterinary Management Skills Number 22–25
References 4
2 Pharmacology 5
Laurie J. Buell and Lisa E. Schenkel
2.1 Pharmacologic
Fundamentals of Drug Administration 5
Pharmacology Skills Number 1–11
2.2 Pharmacy Essentials of Drug Dispensing 7
Pharmacology Skills Number 12–15
References 8
3 Medical Nursing 9
Deirdre Douglas, Laurie J. Buell and Lisa E. Schenkel
3.1 Assessment of the Veterinary Patient 9
Medical Nursing Skills Number 1–27
3.2 Nursing Care of the Veterinary Patient 12
Medical Nursing Skills Number 28–69
3.2.1 Husbandry of Common Domestic Species 12
Deirdre Douglas, Lisa E. Schenkel, Laurie J. Buell and Sabrina Timperman
Medical Nursing Skills Number 28–36
3.2.2 Nutrition of Common Domestic Species 14
Deirdre Douglas, Lisa E. Schenkel, Sabrina Timperman and Laurie J. Buell
Medical Nursing Skills Number 37–42
3.2.3 Therapeutics for Common Domestic Species 1
Lisa E. Schenkel, Laurie J. Buell, Sabrina Timperman, Nicole VanSant and Deirdre Douglas
Medical Nursing Skills Number 43–69
3.3 Dental Procedures in Small Animals 21
Howard Gittelman
Medical Nursing Skills Number 70–72
References 23
4 Anesthesia 25
Laurie J. Buell and Lisa E. Schenkel
4.1 Perioperative Management of the Veterinary Patient 25
Anesthesia and Analgesia Skills Number 1–9
4.2 Management and Use of Anesthetic Equipment 30
Anesthesia and Analgesia Skills Number 10–22
References 34
5 Surgical Nursing and Assisting 37
Laurie J. Buell and Lisa E. Schenkel
5.1 Fundamentals of Common Surgical Procedures 37
Surgical Nursing Skills Number 1–10
5.2 Experience with Common Surgical Procedures 39
Surgical Nursing Skills Number 11–12
5.3 Management of the Veterinary Surgical Patient 39
Surgical Nursing Skills Number 13–34
5.4 Management of Surgical Equipment and Facilities 44
Surgical Nursing Skills Number 35–44
References 47
6 Clinical Laboratory Procedures 49
Lisa E. Schenkel, Sabrina Timperman, Laurie J. Buell, Judy Duffelmeyer-Kramer, Robin E. Sturtz and Deirdre Douglas
6.1 Management of Laboratory Specimens and Equipment 49
Clinical Laboratory Procedures Skills Number 1–4
6.2 Diagnostic Laboratory Procedures 49
Clinical Laboratory Procedures Skills Number 5–48
References 57
7 Radiography 59
Sandra Bertholf and Sabrina Timperman
Radiography Skills Number 1–12
Reference 62
8 Laboratory Animal Care and Procedures 63
Natalie H. Ragland
Laboratory Animal Care and Procedures Skills Number 1–17
References 67
9 Avian and Exotic Animal Nursing 69
Sabrina Timperman, Lisa E. Schenkel, Laurie J. Buell and Carol J. Gamez
Exotic Animal Nursing Skills Number 1–10
References 73
Index 75