Contributors xiii
Preface xiv
Foreword by V.O. Crampton xvi
1 Introduction: Aquaculture and Behaviour 1
Felicity Huntingford, Sunil Kadri and Malcolm Jobling
1.1 Why behaviour and aquaculture? 1
1.2 About aquaculture 2
1.3 Introducing the spotlight species 7
1.4 About behaviour 14
1.5 Fish welfare 20
1.6 Domestication, captive rearing and behaviour 24
1.6.1 Domestication and captive rearing 24
1.7 Criteria for effective and sustainable fish culture 27
1.8 Structure and content of this book 32
2 Fish in Aquaculture Environments 36
Malcolm Jobling
2.1 Introduction 36
2.2 Locomotion and swimming ability 37
2.3 Sensing environmental stimuli 39
2.4 Internal communication systems 47
2.5 Coping with adverse conditions 52
2.6 Contrasts in life history patterns and reproductive biology 55
2.7 Life history programming 58
2.8 Synopsis 61
3 Tools for Studying the Behaviour of Farmed Fish 65
Marie Laure Bégout, Sunil Kadri, Felicity Huntingford and Børge Damsgård
3.1 Introduction 65
3.2 Describing and measuring behaviour 66
3.3 What we need to know about the behaviour of farmed fish 67
3.4 Indirect reconstruction of the behaviour of cultured fish 67
3.5 Methods of marking and tagging fish 69
3.6 Direct behavioural observation via video monitoring 71
3.7 Direct behavioural monitoring using electronic tags 74
3.8 Direct behavioural monitoring using echo integration 77
3.9 Measuring feeding behaviour in farmed fish 78
3.10 Synopsis 82
4 Movement and Orientation 87
Felicity Huntingford, William Hunter and Victoria Braithwaite
4.1 Introduction 87
4.2 Mechanisms 89
4.3 Development 93
4.4 Functions 96
4.5 Implications for aquaculture 100
4.6 Synopsis 112
5 Feeding Biology and Foraging 121
Malcolm Jobling, Anders Alanärä, Sunil Kadri and Felicity Huntingford
5.1 Introduction to the feeding biology of fishes 121
5.2 Foraging strategies of wild fish 122
5.3 Mechanisms 124
5.4 Development 129
5.5 Functions 132
5.6 Implications for aquaculture 134
5.7 Synopsis 143
6 Nutrition and Diet Choice 150
David Raubenheimer, Steve Simpson, Javier Sánchez-Vázquez, Felicity Huntingford, Sunil Kadri and Malcolm Jobling
6.1 Introduction to what fish eat 150
6.2 Mechanisms 152
6.3 Development 157
6.4 Functions 161
6.5 Implications for aquaculture 166
6.6 Synopsis 176
7 Appetite and Feed Intake 183
Malcolm Jobling, Anders Alanärä, Chris Noble, Javier Sánchez-Vázquez, Sunil Kadri and Felicity Huntingford
7.1 Introduction 183
7.2 Mechanisms 189
7.3 Development 195
7.4 Functions 198
7.5 Implications for aquaculture 200
7.6 Synopsis 209
8 Avoiding Predators 220
Felicity Huntingford, Susan Coyle and William Hunter
8.1 Introduction 220
8.2 Mechanisms 224
8.3 Development 225
8.4 Functions 229
8.5 Implications for aquaculture 232
8.6 Synopsis 240
9 Fighting and Aggression 248
Børge Damsgård and Felicity Huntingford
9.1 Introduction 248
9.2 Mechanisms 251
9.3 Development 256
9.4 Functions 260
9.5 Implications for aquaculture 263
9.6 Synopsis 277
10 Reproductive Behaviour 286
Ian A. Fleming and Felicity Huntingford
10.1 Introduction 286
10.2 Mechanisms 291
10.3 Development 295
10.4 Functions 297
10.5 Implications for aquaculture 302
10.6 Solutions 310
10.7 Synopsis 314
11 Conclusions: Aquaculture and Behaviour 322
Felicity Huntingford, Malcolm Jobling and Sunil Kadri
11.1 The relevance of behaviour in current aquaculture systems 322
11.2 The relevance of behaviour in future aquaculture systems 327
Index 333