Veterinary neuroanatomy. A clinical approach
Veterinary neuroanatomy. A clinical approach
1st ed., 168 pages, 200 ill., Elsevier, May 2012
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€ 50.99
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€ 43
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Veterinary Neuroanatomy: A Clinical Approach is written by veterinary neurologists for anyone with an interest in the functional, applied anatomy and clinical dysfunction of the nervous system in animals, especially when of veterinary significance. It offers a user-friendly approach, providing the principal elements that students and clinicians need to understand and interpret the results of the neurological examination. Clinical cases are used to illustrate key concepts throughout. The book begins with an overview of the anatomical arrangement of the nervous system, basic embryological development, microscopic anatomy and physiology. These introductory chapters are followed by an innovative, hierarchical approach to understanding the overall function of the nervous system. The applied anatomy of posture and movement, including the vestibular system and cerebellum, is comprehensively described and illustrated by examples of both function and dysfunction. The cranial nerves and elimination systems as well as behaviour, arousal and emotion are discussed. The final chapter addresses how to perform and interpret the neurological examination.


Veterinary Neuroanatomy: A Clinical Approach has been prepared by experienced educators with 35 years of combined teaching experience in neuroanatomy. Throughout the book great care is taken to explain key concepts in the most transparent and memorable way whilst minimising jargon. Detailed information for those readers with specific interests in clinical neuroanatomy is included in the text and appendix. As such, it is suitable for veterinary students, practitioners and also readers with a special interest in clinical neuroanatomy.

Regional neuroanatomy.


Neurohistology, physiology and supporting structures.

Hierarchical organization in the nervous system.

Reflexes and motor systems.

Ascending somatic sensory tracts and conscious sensory systems.

The cerebellum.

Vestibular system.

Posture and movement in quadrupeds.

Cranial nerves.

Behaviour, emotion and arousal.

The autonomic nervous system.

The neurological examination and lesion localisation.

Christine E Thomson, BVSc(Hons), PhD, DipACVIM(Neurol), DipECVN, ILTM, MRCVS, Associate Professor, Comparative Physiology and Anatomy, Massey University Veterinary School, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Caroline Hahn, DVM, MSc, PhD, DipECEIM, DipECVN, MRCVS, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Neurosciences, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, UK

Item Code: NEURO34
ISBN: 9780702034824
Weigth: 600 g
Species: All species
Discipline: Neurology
VAT: VAT Exempt