Notes on Contributors ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
About the Companion Website xv
1 Analytical and Diagnostic Concepts: Getting it Right 1
Kristen R. Friedrichs, Michael A. Scott, and Steven L. Stockham
2 Leukocytes 61
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
3 Erythrocytes 135
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
4 Platelets 275
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
5 Hemostasis 319
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
6 Bone Marrow and Lymph Nodes 401
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
7 Proteins 469
Kristen R. Friedrichs, Michael A. Scott, and Steven L. Stockham
8 Urinary System 537
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
9 Monovalent Electrolytes and Osmolality 643
Steven L. Stockham and Michael A. Scott
10 Blood Gases, Blood pH, and Strong-Ion Difference 729
Steven L. Stockham and Michael A. Scott Copyrighted Material
11 Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and their Regulatory Hormones 781
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
12 Selected Enzyme Activities and Enzymatic Proteins 845
Michael A. Scott, Michael M. Fry, and Steven L. Stockham
13 Hepatobiliary Function 887
Michael A. Scott, Michael M. Fry, and Steven L. Stockham
14 Glucose, Ketoamines, and Related Regulatory Hormones (Insulin, Glucagon, Growth Hormone, and Insulin-Like Growth Factors-1 and 2) 923
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
15 Exocrine Pancreatic and Intestinal Functions 969
Michael A. Scott, Michael M. Fry, and Steven L. Stockham
16 Lipids 999
Kristen R. Friedrichs, Michael A. Scott, and Steven L. Stockham
17 Thyroid Function 1031
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
18 Adrenal Gland 1059
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
19 Peritoneal, Pleural, and Pericardial Effusions 1103
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
20 Synovial Fluid 1163
Michael M. Fry, Michael A. Scott, and Steven L. Stockham
21 Cerebrospinal Fluid 1189
Michael A. Scott and Steven L. Stockham
Appendix A: The Complete Blood Count and Blood Smear Evaluation 1221
Index 1231