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Anatomy and histology of the domestic chicken
Anatomy and histology of the domestic chicken
1° ed., 238 pagg., 200 ill., John Wiley & Sons, agosto 2024
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€ 171
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€ 145
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Anatomy and Histology of the Domestic Chicken is a state-of-the-art atlas of avian anatomy that provides a complete collection of both original gross anatomy and histology photographs and texts of all body systems of the birds based on the domestic chicken to depict anatomic features. Using cutting-edge technology to create visualizations of anatomic structures, this exhaustive reference includes both gross anatomical structures/organs and their histological details next to each other. This approach enables readers to understand the macro- and micro-pictures of each organ/structure under study.
The text includes a total of more than 200 high-resolution, high quality color images and diagrams. Written by two highly qualified professors with significant experience in the field, Anatomy and Histology of the Domestic Chicken includes information on:
  • External features of the body, including regions, features, ornaments, shape, feathers, skin, and the uropygial gland
  • Musculoskeletal characteristics including cartilage and bone formation and classification, as well as flight and ambulatory muscles
  • Digestive system, including the beak, esophagus, crop, proventriculus, ventriculus, intestines, and accessory glands
  • Respiratory system, including external nares, nasal cavity, trachea, upper larynx, syrinx, lungs, and air sacs
  • Urinary system, including kidneys and the ureter, cloaca-urodeum, and genital system, covering differences between males and females
  • Endocrine system, including pituitary, pineal, adrenal, pancreas, thyroid, and parathyroid glands
  • Nervous system with central and peripheral divisions and sense organs including eye and ear
  • Lymphatic system, with descriptions of the primary and secondary lymphatic organs
  • Egg anatomy and development of the chick embryo
  • Applied anatomical concepts important for clinical maneuvers and necropsy
With comprehensive coverage of the subject and highly detailed photographs included throughout the text, Anatomy and Histology of the Domestic Chicken is an indispensable resource for breeders, veterinarians, researchers, avian biologists, pathologists, and students in animal sciences and veterinary fields.

List of Contributors xix
Foreword xxi
Preface xxiii
Acknowledgments xxv
Lists of Abbreviations xxvii
1 External Features of Chicken 1
Wael Khamas and Josep Rutllant
1.1 Skin 1
1.2 Structures Associated with the Skin 2
1.3 Feathers 5
1.4 Lamellar Corpuscles 9
1.5 Molting 9
1.6 Debeaking 11
1.7 Eyelids Including Third Eyelid 11
1.8 Vent 11
1.9 Uropygial Gland 12
1.10 Brood Pad 12
1.11 Bursa Sterni 13
1.12 Legs 13
1.13 Thermoregulation 15
2 Skeletal System 19
Wael Khamas, Josep Rutllant, and Ken Noriega
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Cartilage and Bone Embryonic Origin 19
2.3 Cartilage Cell Types 19
2.4 Type of Cartilages 20
2.5 Cartilage Development 20
2.6 Calcium Homeostasis 20
2.7 Bone Cell Types 21
2.8 Ossification 22
2.9 Axial Skeleton 25
2.10 Sesamoid Bones 26
2.11 Pneumatic Bones 27
2.12 Pectoral Girdle 27
2.13 Pectoral Limb (Wing) 28
2.14 Pelvic Girdle 29
2.15 Pelvic Limb 29
2.16 Arthrosis (Joints) 31
3 Muscular System 35
Ken Noriega, Thomas Marino, and Wael Khamas
3.1 Introduction 35
3.2 Muscle Histology 35
3.3 Muscle Nomenclature 37
3.4 Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers 37
3.5 Muscle Cells 38
3.6 Skeletal Muscle Blood Supply 38
3.7 Skeletal Muscle Innervation 38
3.8 Muscle Spindle 38
3.9 Tendon 39
3.10 General Description of Skeletal Muscle 39
3.11 Cutaneous Muscles 40
3.12 Flight Muscles 40
3.13 Muscles of the Pelvic Region 44
3.14 Abdominal Muscles 46
4 Digestive System 49
Josep Rutllant and Wael Khamas
4.1 Introduction 49
4.2 Oral Cavity and Pharynx 49
4.3 Hyoid Apparatus (Hyoglossal, Hyolingual, or Hyobranchial) 53
4.4 Esophagus (Pars cervicalis, Crop, and Pars thoracica) 54
4.5 Stomach(Proventriculus and Ventriculus) 56
4.6 Small Intestine 59
4.7 Large Intestine 62
4.8 Cloaca 63
4.9 Vent 65
4.10 Liver (Hepar, Jecur) 65
4.11 Pancreas 67
5 Respiratory System 71
Hrvoje Smodlaka and Wael Khamas
5.1 Introduction 71
5.2 Nostrils and Nasal Cavity 71
5.3 Larynx (Larynx Cranialis), Upper Larynx 73
5.4 Trachea 74
5.5 Syrinx (Larynx Caudalis), Lower Larynx 75
5.6 Lungs 76
5.7 Direction of Airflow 78
5.8 Blood-Gas Barrier 79
5.9 Air Sacs 79
6 Urinary System 83
Wael Khamas and Josep Rutllant
6.1 Introduction 83
6.2 Kidney 83
6.3 Ureter 89
6.4 Urodeum 90
6.5 Blood Supply 90
6.6 Innervation 90
6.7 Urine 91
7 Reproductive System 93
Josep Rutllant and Wael Khamas
7.1 Male Reproductive System 93
7.2 Female Reproductive System 99
8 Endocrine System 109
Manel Lopez-Bejar
8.1 Introduction 109
8.2 Physiological Balance 110
8.3 Major Endocrine Glands 110
9 Sense Organs 125
Wael Khamas and Josep Rutllant
9.1 The Eye 125
9.2 The Ear 132
10 The Cardiovascular System 139
Thomas Marino and Wael Khamas
10.1 Introduction 139
10.2 Heart 139
10.3 General Arterial System 143
10.4 Venous System 148
10.5 Sites for Blood Collection 148
10.6 Hepatic Portal System 149
10.7 Renal Portal System 149
10.8 Carotid Body/Carotid Sinus 149
11 The Lymphatic System 153
Wael Khamas and Josep Rutllant
11.1 Introduction 153
11.2 Cells of the Lymphatic System 153
11.3 Common Terms Used with the Lymphatic System 157
11.4 Primary Lymphatic Organs 157
11.5 Secondary Lymphatic Organs 161
11.6 Maternal Transfer of Immunity 168
11.7 Lymphatic Vessels 168
12 Nervous System 171
Wael Khamas, Josep Rutllant, and Hrvoje Smodlaka
12.1 Introduction 171
12.2 Neuron171
12.3 Ganglion 172
12.4 Glial Cells (Neuroglia) 172
12.5 Peripheral Nervous System Cells 174
12.6 Meninges 174
12.7 Brain Ventricles 175
12.8 Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) 175
12.9 Blood Brain Barrier 175
12.10 Cerebrum 176
12.11 Reticular Formation 179
12.12 SpinalCord 179
12.13 Glycogen Bodies 180
12.14 Autonomic Nervous System 180
13 Applied Chicken Anatomy 183
Teresa Y. Morishita and Robert E. Porter Jr
13.1 Examining from a Distance 183
13.2 Physical Examination 185
13.3 Specialized Clinical Procedures 190
14 Chicken Necropsy 193
Miguel D. Saggese
14.1 Introduction193
14.2 Euthanasiaand Carcass Disposal 193
14.3 Chicken Disposal 194
14.4 Facilities and Materials Needed 194
14.5 Whole Carcass Conservation 196
14.6 Necropsy Protocol 196
15 The Egg Anatomy 209
Josep Rutllant and Wael Khamas
15.1 Introduction 209
15.2 The Germinal Disc 209
15.3 The Yolk 209
15.4 The Albumen 211
15.5 The Eggshell 212
16 Fertilization and Chick Embryo Development 217
Josep Rutllant and Wael Khamas
16.1 Introduction 217
16.2 Avian Fertilization 217
16.3 ChickEmbryo Development 220
References 224
Index 227

Wael Khamas
has more than thirty years of experience in Anatomy and Histology. He is currently Professor of Anatomy and Histology at CVM Western University of Health Sciences.
Josep Rutllant
is Professor of Anatomy and Embryology at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences.

Codice Articolo: LA211
ISBN: 9781119841722
Peso: 1200 g
Area: Animali da reddito
Disciplina: Anatomia
IVA: Esente IVA