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Canine Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases
Canine Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreatic Diseases
1° ed., 312 pagg., 150 ill., Edra, giugno 2024
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Once in a while, if you are lucky, you are asked to contribute to a really worthwhile project. This textbook on canine hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases has been such a project. There has long been a need for a book dedicated solely to these diseases and aimed at the interested small animal veterinarian in both first and second opinion practice. I am honoured to have been asked to edit a textbook addressing diseases in these two organs, which have dominated my clinical and research work for nearly three decades.
The layout of this book is, I believe, unique – inspired by the series editors Edward Feldman and Federico Fracassi, whose vision was integral to the book’s design. I thank them most sincerely for their patience and wise help during the planning of this book.
There are very few, if any, clinical signs that are pathognomonic for liver or pancreas disease, and the clinician must consider differential diagnoses for presenting signs. The first section allows this with problem-orientated algorithms addressing the owner’s presenting concerns and physical examination findings, guiding the clinician into the appropriate workup, and ensuring that other potential causes of these signs are not forgotten. The book is then divided into a section on pancreatic diseases and a section on liver diseases. The organ sections start with a detailed consideration of clinical pathology, imaging, and biopsy acquisition, with additional chapters on the interpretation of cytology and histology in the liver section, all written by experts in their fields. This is followed by chapters on specific diseases of the pancreas and liver. There are many helpful algorithms, tables, figures, and videos, both in the printed book and ebook, aimed to make this a practical resource for the busy veterinary practitioner.
Not only internal medicine specialists and residents but also specialist soft tissue surgeons, nutritionists, clinical pathologists, veterinary pathologists, oncologists, diagnostic imagers, an anaesthetist, a toxicologist, and a neurologist have contributed to this work – so there is a sense that having this book on your bookshelf is like having all these specialists in your clinic to consult on those difficult cases.
The result is an up-to-date, and we hope complete, resource of pancreatic and liver diseases in dogs. Diseases of the liver and pancreas can cause a degree of despair in veterinary practitioners – so much about the causes and treatments of these diseases is poorly understood, and too many cases remain idiopathic. Nonetheless, over recent years, clinical research has started to improve our understanding, as detailed in this book, and it is clear that logical workup and treatment of our cases really can make a difference to both the quality and quantity of life. If this book results in increased enthusiasm amongst veterinarians in both first opinion and specialist practice to learn more about liver and pancreas disease in dogs, to treat their cases more carefully and positively, and to undertake more vital clinical research in this area, it will have achieved its goals.
Enormous thanks are due to the really talented group of authors who have been kind enough to contribute to this book. You have all been wonderful to work with. I hope you have enjoyed our interactions as much as I have. You have given this book so much time and effort, and I have learned a lot from reading your work. I thank you all most sincerely. In addition, this would not have been possible if it were not for the extraordinary work and passion of the team from Edra and, in particular, Costanza Smeraldi, whose enthusiasm, wise and patient guidance, and hard work have made this the smoothest, most efficient, and high-quality process imaginable. Thank you all!

Chapter 1Vomiting
Melanie Werner
Chapter 2 Diarrhea
Melanie Werner
Chapter 3 Weight loss
Mellora Sharman, Marina Martín-Ambrosio
Chapter 4 Poor appetite/no appetite
Sofia Rapastella, Mellora Sharman
Chapter 5 Polyphagia
Beatrice Ruggerone, Fabio Procoli
Chapter 6 Polyuria/polydipsia
Beatrice Ruggerone, Fabio Procoli
Chapter 7 Lethargy/stupor/pacing
Susana Monforte
Chapter 8 Jaundice 33
Frederik Allan
Chapter 9 Dark feces or melena
Floris Dröes
Chapter 10 Abdominal enlargement
Giulia Cattaneo
Chapter 11 Cranial abdominal pain
Giulia Cattaneo
Chapter 12Petechiae and ecchymoses
Floris Dröes
Chapter 13 Nonspecific laboratory findings in pancreatic disease
Yvonne McGrotty
Chapter 14 More specific laboratory tests for exocrine pancreatic disease
Harry Cridge
Chapter 15 Pancreatic imaging
Angela Marolf
Chapter 16 Pancreatic biopsy
Laura J. Owen
Chapter 17 Introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the exocrine pancreas
Ran Nivy, Asaf Berkowitz
Chapter 18 Acute pancreatitis
Sue Yee Lim, Jörg M. Steiner
Chapter 19 Chronic pancreatitis
Panagiotis G. Xenoulis, Jörg M. Steiner
Chapter 20 Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Daniel Batchelor
Chapter 21 Neoplasia of the exocrine pancreas in dogs
Antonio Giuliano, Jane Dobson
Chapter 22 Nutrition for acute and chronic pancreatitis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Daniel L. Chan
Chapter 23 Analgesia in acute and chronic pancreatitis
Ian Self
SECTION IV Diagnosis of hepatobiliary disease
Chapter 24 Nonspecific laboratory tests in hepatobiliary disease
Cassia Hare
Chapter 25 Laboratory tests more specific for hepatobiliary disease
Alice Tamborini
Chapter 26 Imaging the liver, biliary system, and portal vasculature
Abby Caine
Chapter 27 Liver biopsy
Laura J. Owen
Chapter 28 Interpretation of cytological examination of the liver
Carlo Masserdotti
Chapter 29 Interpretation of liver biopsy reports
Sean McDonough
Chapter 30 Introduction to the liver anatomy and physiology
Francesco Lotti
Chapter 31 Acute toxic hepatopathy
Karyn Bischoff
Chapter 32 Acute infectious liver disease and hepatic abscess
Katie Elizabeth McCallum
Chapter 33 Chronic hepatitis: copper-associated
Rommaneeya Leela-arporn, Cynthia RL Webster
Chapter 34 Chronic hepatitis: idiopathic, autoimmune, and other non-copper-associated causes
Adam G. Gow
Chapter 35 Gallbladder and biliary tract diseases: mucoceles, biliary tract, and gallbladder infections
Ben Harris
Chapter 36 Congenital vascular diseases
Michael S. Tivers
Chapter 37 Other congenital liver diseases: ductal plate and gallbladder disorders
Andre J. Kortum
Chapter 38 Canine vacuolar hepatopathies, hepatocutaneous syndrome, and amyloidosis
Sharon Kuzi
Chapter 39 Liver tumors in dogs
Luca Schiavo, Jane M. Dobson
Chapter 40 Nutrition for acute and chronic liver disease
Becca Leung

Penny Watson

Codice Articolo: MEDIN248
ISBN: 9781957260747
Peso: 1300 g
Area: Cane/Gatto
Disciplina: Medicina interna
IVA: Esente IVA